Getting You The Most Out Of Your Soil
Healthy soil is productive soil. Is your coffee farm’s soil everything it can be? As seventh-generation coffee growers and highly trained environmental biologists, we’re passionate about giving you the solutions you need to take your coffee farm to the next level. Leave behind the pests, diseases, and soil issues slowing your farm down and make your coffee business everything you know it can be. We serve farmers all around the world, so get in touch today for a consultation.
Soil Biology
Pest Control
Environmental Responsability
Agriculture of Precision
Every acre of dirt is different and presents a different set of unique challenges. What works for the farmer next door may not work for you. Instead of playing the guessing game or hoping broad, cookie-cutter solutions will work, turn to Bio Soils Hawaii. Rooted in more than a century of coffee-growing experience, we and our team network of laboratories and fertilizer producers create solutions custom to your land so that your coffee trees grow better than ever before. Schedule a consultation with us today.